Unofficial Starfield Patch: Version History
By the Unofficial Patch Project Team
Bugs fixed by official Bethesda patches will be stricken through and the version of the game they are fixed in will be indicated in brackets.
Bugs introduced by the USFP (yes, it happens) that are corrected in later versions will be stricken through and tagged with the version of the USFP that fixes them. The correction will appear separately in the version where the correction takes place.
The USFP bug tracker numbers will be listed for bugs that have been recorded there when they are solved.
All fixes are retroactive unless indicated by an [NR] tag following the fix description. This means you either need to start a new game, or trigger NG+ before the fix will take effect if you have already passed the content in question.
Any fix which alters a ship blueprint record will be marked [BP] and will be located in the second file: unofficial starfield patch - blueprint edits.esm. This is due to changes in how the engine loads the main BlueprintShips-Starfield.esm file.
To view a bug entry in our tracker, enter the bug number here:
v1.0.6a (2024-12-03) [SF 1.14.74+]
USFP Fixes
- The blueprint edits file has been removed. The game engine will actively seek to disable the file as of the 1.14.74 update, which makes it entirely useless to distribute.
v1.0.6 (2024-11-24) [SF 1.14.74+]
Official 1.14.74 Patch Update Reconciliation
- Companion affinity conversation checks were fixed officially. Removed USFP fixes for these. Partially reverts 33599.
USFP Fixes
- Set the Blueprint flag on the blueprints file so that it will be treated correctly by the game engine.
v1.0.5a (2024-10-28) [SF 1.14.70+]
USFP Fixes
- Fixed an issue which caused unique planet POIs to go missing (Paradiso + Sonny DiFalco's Island).
v1.0.5 (2024-10-19) [SF 1.14.70+]
USFP Fixes
- Due to changes in the engine, the BlueprintShips-Starfield.esm has been removed as a required master for the file. The edits that necessitated this to begin with have been recreated in unofficial starfield patch - blueprint edits.esm.
Item Fixes
- Emergency Kits were not included in the list of aid packs to trigger NPC healing animations. [HealingItemsList] (Bug #34481)
Quests and Dialogue Fixes
- Jacquotte Laguerre will no longer work as a vendor if you complained to her boss about her attitude. A condition error exists on the dialogue response record. [DialogueParadiso: 0004844A] (Bug #34414)
Placement/Layout/Ownership and other World Object Fixes
- 0032169D, 000A89CA, 003690CF, 001A9D95, 0037B6B5, 001A4630: Unplayable clothing outfits replaced with location appropriate playable clothing. (Bug #34413)
- 0016B96E, 0016B83F, 0016B85E, 0016B842: Turrets which are not properly linked to their terminals, resulting in other turrets in the same facility turning hostile against them when the Friend/Foe settings are changed. (Bug #34412)
v1.0.4 (2024-09-30) [SF 1.14.70+]
Official 1.14.70 Patch Update Reconciliation
- The Pit Stop [SettleHopeTownPitStop]: Merged record flag updates from official patch.
Item Fixes
- Bridger and Negotiator are not marked as a Heavy Weapons and thus don't benefit from perks which apply to those. (Bug #34369)
- Impact Grenades [ImpactGrenadeProjectile] use an incorrect projectile model. (Bug #34395)
Quests and Dialogue Fixes
- During "Unity" [MQ206B], Andreja could comment that it was a shame you can't visit her homeworld, but the conditions were set wrong on the dialogue and thus could never play. (Bug #34370)
- Akachi Rosenblum has dialogue for when the player is wearing the monster costume, but it is not properly conditioned to only play when this is the case. (Bug #34305)
Placement/Layout/Ownership and other World Object Fixes
- 0015DECB: Wrong aggressive turret was place on the Reliant Medical Organics Lab POI which caused it to attack its neighboring turret. (Bug #34330)
- 000FA5A7, 000FA5A8, 000FA596: Space pouches duplicated in place, causing z-Fighting. (Bug #34320)
- 012C49B9, 012C49BA, 010AE3B8, 010AE3B7, 012B8F4D, 012B8F4E, 010B13D3, 010B22FA, 010B22F9, 012B8585, 012B8586: Items in Crimson Fleet blueprints with crime faction ownership they should not have. (Bug #34253) [BP]
- 00174B74, 00174C01, 00174B51, 00174B56, 00174C09, 00174B30, 00179698, 00174B2B, 00174B2C, 00174B72, 00174B4C, 00167201, 00174B35, 00174B55, 001671F7, 001671FB, 00174B6F, 00179666, 0017967A, 0017966D, 00174B75, 0017A3F7, 00179699, 00179664, 00179665, 00174BAC, 00174BAB, 00174BAA, 00174B2F, 00174B6E, 00174B84, 001671FF, 00167200, 00179671, 0017967B, 00179672, 00174BF6, 00174B2D, 00174B89, 001796FF, 00179683, 00179678, 00174B2A, 00174BF3, 0017964C, 0017965A, 00167277, 00179677, 00174BF2, 00167238, 00174B2E, 001671FC, 00179685, 00174B9F, 001671FD, 00179675, 00179689, 0017967C, 0017966E, 0017964F, 0017967E, 00174B9B, 0017967D, 00179681, 00179673, 00179651, 00174B34, 00174B18, 00179694, 00179693, 00174B4E, 001671FA, 00174B87, 00174B67, 00174B68, 00174B73, 00179669, 00174B82, 001671F8, 00174B86, 00174BF5, 0017968F, 00174BFA, 00174B58, 001796AB, 00174B4D, 00174BE5, 00174B36, 00174B8D, 00174B8E, 00179677, 00179696, 00179674, 00174B80, 00179697, 0017A3CD, 00174B69, 0017A3F4: Objects in "Civilian Outpost" POI [OESF004World] which have ownership, in several different factions. The player could be improperly given bounties with the UC and Freestar, among others, for taking these things. (Bug #34221)
Text Fixes
- CityNeonWarehouse01Location, as well as 02, 03, and 04, have duplicated names in the text which makes distinguishing them confusing. (Bug #34347)
v1.0.3 (2024-08-21) [SF 1.13.61+]
USFP Fixes
- Removed the fix for the UC Exchange map marker in Cydonia. This was fixed officially.
- Removed the fix for the Sustenance perk. This was fixed officially.
- Merged the fix for Bitten Sandwich with the Sustenance change in the official patch.
Planet and Biome Fixes
- Rana VI-a should no longer show that you need to scan for fauna in the swamp biome. The ocean creatures attached to that biome have been removed from the list. Landing in one will now correctly show 0/4 "Biome Complete" since the only lifeforms all live in the ocean. (Bug #33619) [NR]
v1.0.2 (2024-07-03) [SF 1.12.32+]
Actor and AI Fixes
- The security guard posted outside Best Defense in HopeTown cannot be interacted with. [HT_GenericSecurity_F01] (Bug #34142)
Item Fixes
- Barrow Knife, Osmium Dagger, and Ripshank are missing the ObjectTypeWeapon keyword. [BarrowKnife, OsmiumKnife, Gutter] (Bug #34173)
- Ripshank is missing the ReticleTypeUnarmed keyword, and it's Aim Assist model is not set. (Bug #34173)
- Ripshank is missing from the WeaponsMeleeList formlist. (Bug #34173)
- Pacifier is missing the WeaponTypeRanged keyword. [Pacifier, Crew_Elite_Pacifier] (Bug #34173)
- Jishaku Nd RF Railgun Turret, Blaze-P 2gw SX Pulse Laser Turret, and Disrupter 3340 Alpha Pscillator Turret are missing the SpaceshipTurretWeapon keyword. [SWC_Ballistic_Shinigami_Jishaku_Nd_RF_Auto_Turret_lvl34, SWC_Laser_LightScythe_Blaze-P_2gw_SX_Auto_Turret_lvl38, SWC_Particle_Horizon_Disruptor_3340A_Alpha_Auto_Turret_lvl30] (Bug #34173)
- Storage - Gas - Large [OutpostStorageGas01Large] was set to respawn when it shouldn't. (Bug #34173)
Mesh, Material, and Texture Fixes
- Updated the Nova Galactic NG-20 Slim Lander with the mesh taken directly from the game BA2 file and fixed directly rather than passing it through the NIF Mesh Path Migration Tool first. This is in an effort to attempt to isolate CTDs some people seem to be getting when cycling NG-20 module in the ship builder. (Bug #34174)
Perk and Skill Fixes
Sustenance was not functional in an alternate universe due to a missing stage check in the PEO_SustenanceAllowed condition form. (Bug #34144) [Official Patch 1.13.61]
Papyrus Fixes
- GuardShipQuestScript: Remote event registrations were not being terminated when the Guard Ships quest was stopped. This resulted in the change location event repeatedly calling into the shutdown routine even after the quest had been stopped. (Bug #34182)
Planet and Biome Fixes
- Maheo I has a unique POI, Sonny Di Falco's Island, which is clearly designed as an open air luxury estate with swimming pools and outdoor bars and such. The biome data is, however, incorrectly set to a thin methane atmosphere which does not fit with the rest of the settings for the planet's ecosystem. The atmosphere type has been switched to O2 to reflect that it should be breathable. (Bug #34121)
- Crag Roots mistakenly have a credstick model spawning where the Cragmelon should be spawning on the top of the plant. [FloraBiomeArchipelago03] (Bug #34128)
Ship and Ship Module Fixes
- Stroud-Eklund 2x1 Living Quarters has a counter lean marker that was not disabled when an aft door is connected and the counter that would be leaned against was gone. [PackInShipPISMODHabStroudLivingSpace2L1W1HAIntStorageCell] (Bug #34120)
- Deimos 3X1 Living Quarters has a cargo net that was partially merged with the cargo rack on the ceiling. [PackInShipPISMODHabDeimosLivingQuarters3L1W1HAIntStorageCell] (Bug #33755)
- Nova Control 2x1 Hab was disabling a chair and console in the aft quarter of the ship if either the aft wall was removed or the port wall was removed. The chair and console should only get disabled if the port wall is removed. [PackInShipPISMODHabNovaControl2L1W1HIntStorageCell] (Bug #33754)
Weapon, Spacesuit, and Pack Modifications
- The projectile effect for the Equinox stealth laser modification is erroneously pointing to a ballistic muzzle flash instead of the laser stealth beam it should be using. [EquinoxStealthLaserBeamProjectile] (Bug #34172)
Placement/Layout/Ownership and other World Object Fixes
- 003E483C: Map marker for "Civilian Outpost" was hovering too far above ground and caused damage to the player when traveling to it. [OEOB007World, OEOB007Ext cell] (Bug #33721)
- 002A80D2: Generic Hope Town security spawner should have been a generic Hope Town customer spawner instead. (Bug #33653) [NR]
v1.0.1 (2024-06-16) [SF 1.12.32+]
USFP Fixes
- Adding the map marker to The Well in New Atlantis was apparently done before the SFBGS* files were added as masters. This resulted in the local map override being blocked. (Bug #34088)
- The .esm and .ba2 files have been changed to lowercase filenames. This is to help facilitate universal filename compatibility for Steam Deck and regular linux users whose file systems are case sensitive. Many of them make use of the in-game menu to download mods and ALWAYS downloads in lowercase. (Bug #34096)
Item Fixes
- Loot_Storage_Contraband_Empty and ShipOutpost_Loot_Storage_Contraband_Empty are both missing their Object Bounds which can lead to weird issues when they're spawned into place. (Bug #33769)
Perk and Skill Fixes
- Demolitions Rank 2 and above erroneously apply their damage increase to ship missiles as well even though the other perk conditions clearly indicate this is meant for grenades. (Bug #34102)
- Fixed an issue with the Leadership perk (ranks 2 thru 4) that would only increase affinity by 15% instead of the expected 25%.
The multiplier checks for initiating their companion quests has also been fixed to check for >= 1 instead of just == 1 due to a quirk in how the condition values get calculated. [COM_CND_DIAL_Greeting_WantsToTalkQuest_BarretPersonalQuestFollowup, COM_CND_DIAL_Greeting_WantsToTalkQuest_RyujinFaction, COM_CND_DIAL_Greeting_WantsToTalkQuest_UnitedColonies, COM_CND_DIAL_Greeting_WantsToTalkQuest_CrimsonFleet, COM_CND_DIAL_Greeting_WantsToTalkQuest_FreestarCollective, COM_CND_DIAL_Greeting_WantsToTalkQuest_MQ305, COM_CND_DIAL_Greeting_WantsToTalkQuest_MQ204, COM_CND_DIAL_Greeting_WantsToTalkQuest_MQ106, COM_CND_DIAL_Greeting_WantsToTalkQuest_MQ104A, COM_CND_DIAL_Personal_Positive, COM_CND_DIAL_Personal_Romance, Skill_Leadership] [Official Patch 1.14.74] (Bug #33599)
- Pistol Certification will now add the correct flat 25% bonus to critical hits after killing an enemy. [Skill_PistolCertification] (Bug #33599)
- Gunslinger's Guide and Mining Monthly magazines will no longer incorrectly contribute to the skill total for the Combat tree. [MagPerk_MiningMonthly, MagPerk_FreestarRangerGunslingersGuide] (Bug #33599)
- Particle Beams skill will now correctly add a flat 5% to critical hit chance instead of multiplying it by 1.05. [Skill_ParticleBeams] (Bug #33599)
- Armor Penetration will now work correctly for melee weapons in addition to ballistic weapons. [Skill_ArmorPenetration] (Bug #33599)
- Martial Arts will now correctly add a flat 15% crit chance to unarmed damage. Ranks 3 and 4 will also now have the correct 15% chance to disarm an opponent. [Skill_MartialArts] (Bug #33599)
- Targeting Control Systems will now correctly add a flat 10% to critical chance at rank 4. [Skill_TargetingControlSystems] (Bug #33599)
- Targeting should now give the correct weapons range increase for rank 3. [Skill_Targeting] (Bug #33599)
Quests and Dialogue Fixes
- Missing Ingredient [RQ_Settlement_CollectColonist_01] does not mark itself as completed when turning in the gathered meat for the colonists. The "Complete Quest" checkbox was not set. (Bug #33777)
- Media Sponge [FFCydoniaR03] does not remove the book you're tasked with bringing to Mitch. This is because Stage 301 where the book is removed is never called. Stage 300 will now call Stage 301, which will then in turn call Stage 1000. (Bug #33594)
Planet and Biome Fixes
- Maheo I incorrectly lists planetary fauna as "Marginal 0/0" when there is no animal life of any sort down on the planet. It should instead be listed as "None 0/0". (Bug #33771)
Placement/Layout/Ownership and other World Object Fixes
- 00168367: Landing marker at New Homestead causes large ships to clip with the lighting poles. (Bug #34091) [NR]
FE00102D: Map Marker for UC Exchange in Cydonia was incorrectly marked as medical instead of a generic vendor. (Bug #34068) [Official Patch 1.13.61]
- 00104F43, 00104F42: Chairs which needed the StaticFurnitureKeyword set to keep companions from trying to sit in them since they are too close to the terminals they're for. (Bug #33768)
- 0017F530: Leveled med/chem blocked by the activation bounds of the larger pharma kit next to it. (Bug #33704)
Text Fixes
Expand for Details...
- MissionMarkerSupplyNeed012: "C6Hn" -> "C6H6" [wrong chemical formula] (Bug #34085)
- MissionMarkerSupplyNeed018, ResInorgUncommonChlorosilanes_L: "SiH3Cl" -> "SiClxH(4-x)" [wrong chemical sum formula for the group] (Bug #34093)
- InorgUncommonChlorosilanes: "Br" -> "SiClxH(4-x)" [short name was using the symbol for Bromine, which is incorrect] (Bug #34093)
v1.0.0 (2024-06-09) [SF 1.12.30+]
Item Fixes
- The Bitten Sandwich [Food_Served_Generic_Sandwich02] was supposed to have its data reduced to reflect the ~20% of the sandwich that's missing due to the bite but these had not all been adjusted. (Bug #33266)
Location Fixes
- Europa is marked as being a settled planet but there are no actual settlements there. It should instead have been marked LocQuestUCR03World for radiant quests in the Jupiter system. [SSol_PJupiter_MEuropa] (Bug #33690)
Mesh, Material, and Texture Fixes
- The Nova Galactic NG-20 Slim Lander only had working effects on the port side. [Meshes\Effects\Shipsfx\Modules\smod_lander_nova_ng-20_b_modfx.nif] (Bug #33802)
Planet and Biome Fixes
- Porrima II reports as an extreme environment from orbit but this planet is otherwise described as a paradise. It's the home of the Paradiso resort and all of the inhabitants are walking around without environment suits or any other protection. This is due to the "Extreme" pressure setting being applied when it should have been "Terrestrial". (Bug #33121)
Papyrus Fixes
- BEScript: Fixed an issue where spawned NPCs on criminal ships were causing bounties and negative companion affinity. This affected numerous quests and encounters involving criminal ships such as the Dumas during Matters of the Hart. [SpawnGenericActor function] (Bug #33148, Bug #33662)
- BEScript: Fixed an issue where Boarding and Takeoff timers could still be running even after the associated quest had ended. [OnTimer event] (Bug #34042)
Quests and Dialogue Fixes
- In Absolute Power [CF06] Ayumi Komiko's dialogue shows [...] instead of a proper money amount because the quest does not include the Text Display Globals for medium and large amounts. (Bug #33781)
- Andreja, Barrett, and Sam Coe will all repeat their initial comment on entering The Den. These comments should have been marked to "say once" like they are for Sarah. [COM_Companion_Andreja, Com_Companion_Barrett, COM_Companion_SamCoe] (Bug #33826)
- New Atlantis Intro [FFNewAtlantis03] had two aliases defined which have been deleted from the quest. (Bug #33801)
- SSNN kiosks should no longer talk about a running gun battle in New Atlantis if you used Starborn options to convince Constellation to let you take the artifacts to avoid the attack on The Lodge. [DialgoueSSNNScenes, SSNN_00_StoryManager, Action 5, Main Quest Group] [Note: Typo in quest EDID is how it appears in the quest list] (Bug #33857)
- At the end of Liquid Assets, Ricardo Bosch's Notes are not removed from the player's inventory and become a permanent quest item. [FFNewAtlantis03, Stage 400] (Bug #33668)
- At the end of Missed Beyond Measure [MQ206A, Stage 2000] the companion who dies in High Price to Pay would be reassigned to you as active and placed on board your ship if you were at the commitment stage for your relationship with them. The dead companion's commitment quest will now be stopped before the checkpoint where they would have been reassigned. (Bug #33146)
Ship and Ship Module Fixes
- Both versions of the Kepler [MS05_Ship_Ridiculous_Template, MS05_Ship_Sensible_Template] are forced to add to your inventory but they lack the keyword to also keep them from affecting your maximum number of ships. (Bug #33732) [BP]
Placement/Layout/Ownership and other World Object Fixes
- Several trees at Vlad's Villa clipped through the cockpit of your ship at the landing area. (Bug #34060)
- 002CA717: Deserted UC Listening Post Map marker should be for a Military Base, not a Science Lab. (Bug #34055)
- 002EE450, 002EE475: Duplicate fire extinguishers moved into nearby lockers. (Bug #33669)
- 0003D289, 0003D28A, 0003D28B: Unobtainable items which were underneath a static container object. (Bug #33817)
- 00207FBF: Crashed Ship map marker which was incorrectly labeled as a natural landmark. (Bug #33787)
- 00122A7D: Chair shoved too far under the table, causing NPCs to get stuck in it. (Bug #33792)
- 002AB598: Chair which needed to be owned by Phil Hill to prevent other NPCs from displacing him. (Bug #33806)
- 002E89C7: Fast travel marker for "Stone Spire" is set too high in the sky to be safe. (Bug #33733)
- 00006D5F: Bed clipping into a wall. (Bug #33725)
- 0008C2D8: Vasco marker clipping with nearby trash bins. (Bug #33687)
- 00161082: Chunks book clipping with a table in the Deserted UC Listening Post POI. (Bug #33476)
- 0024378C: The fast travel marker for Crucible was too close to the ship landing area and would often trap the player underneath. Especially when flying a larger ship. (Bug #33474)
- 0021302B, 0021302C: Barrett's personal slates duplicate themselves inside the Nova 2X1 Hab. [PackInShipPISMODHabNovaBerthingAll2L1W1HAIntStorageCell] (Bug #33672)
- 01000DD9: New Atlantis Well had no north marker. (Bug #33797)
- 002BE014: Landing area for the Abandoned Bionics Lab rotated 45 degrees to avoid the nose of your ship blocking access to the main stairs. (Bug #33119)
- 01001882: Mission Board added to The Den - The Trade Authority NPC here says there's supposed to be one down in the bard but there isn't. (Bug #33128)
- 01002086: Mission Board added to the bar in Gagarin Landing. NPCs there say there's supposed to be one. (Bug #34057)
Text Fixes
Expand for Details...
- Book_SanctumUniversum03b: "A Greater End, Vol 3" -> "A Greater End, Vol 2" [There are only 2 volumes] (Bug #33805)
- InorgUncommonAlkanes, ResInorgUncommonAlkanes_G: "CnHn" -> "CnH(2n+2)" [incorrect sum formula] (Bug #33592)
- InorgUncommonBenzene, ResInorgUncommonBenzene_G: "C6Hn" -> "C6H6" [incorrect formula] (Bug #33591)
- MQ305 Stage 2000: "What am I" -> "What I am" (Bug #33260)
- InflictorRifle: Either extra spaces or characters that can't be displayed were tacked on to the end of the rifle's name text. (Bug #34056)