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A very Happy New Year to all members of the AFK community, and a very special Happy New Year wish to Arthmoor, Hana, and Sigurð for all that they do!· 1 reply
Here's hoping you all have a very good holiday and a very Merry Christmas! And once the New Year spins 'round, that the good things outweigh the bad or disappointing things. Love you all!· 0 replies
So what happened that I'm back to modding Skyrim? I was thrown out of my job again. Looks like my expertise is not wanted - or I'm simply unpresentable - who knows So I spend my time with learning (PowerShell, IP Networks and all that stuff), with participating in sports training and - with modding, yay!· 2 replies
Anyway, it's christmas time. In Germany, we party on the 24th of December, it's called Heiligabend. Tomorrow.
I wish you all a wonderful time without stress and pain, make sure you have fun in any way!
So long, your loving Tasheni
For those wondering, I have not been able to post for the last month due to issues with my eyesight that caused me to be unable to see clearly enough to do any extended reading or typing, thus preventing me from keeping up my topics and threads, or posting anything else, for that matter.· 2 replies
However, there is some good news - today for the first time since the end of November I was able to see the words on the PC screen clearly and it was not just all a hazy blur difficult to make out. Hopefully I will be able to continue to maintain the progress - but I am still being very careful not to put to much strain on my eyes for at least a while longer. Hopefully I will be able to resume posting and maintaining my topics relatively soon.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Here's something I whipped up real quick for today - Armistice/Remembrance Day.· 0 replies
In our minds, now old and tired, do our colleagues dwell.
Forever young, they passed too soon,
and left a hole unfilled.
But remember them we do -
their sacrifices, and their valor -
their dreams, forever unfulfilled.
For now they rest 'neath plowed ground,
eternally beyond all cares,
deep in a timeless sleep,
the sleep that holds no fears.
So raise a glass and remember them,
whose glasses will now never be raised,
And never forget the reasons why,
as you bid them one last goodbye.
c Steven Ross 2024
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